Dynamis - Financial Services Brand and Webdesign

Link to the dynamis website
Image showing the visual quality of Dynamis web design

Reinventing Digital Financial and Insurance Services

Dynamis aims to help users understand and invest based on their financial opportunities.

Whether it's insurance, property acquisition, funds, or other investments, Dynamis helps users find their best investment strategy, all while providing a single place to find and optimize all of your assets.

In addition to classical branding, design and development, hersom focuses on developing a comprehensive design system for this young digital brand, which serves as a sturdy foundation for all upcoming digital products of the Dynamis Group.
Website hero showing visual web design of dynamis
hero of the dynamis website design

Dynamis digital and web appearance needed to serve purposes beyond visual fidelity, aiming to attract and engage users effectively.

Dynamis Responsive Web design visual on mobile
Dynamis Responsive Web design visual on tablet
Mobile Design of dynamsi website
A cutting-edge responsive setup, enhanced with targeted animations and interactions, provides users
with a clear structure and guides them through the website towards key information and calls to action.

A Distinctive Brand & Visual Language

The core brand elements are interlocked in terms of color, typography, visual patterns for logos, digital, and stationery appearance.
A visuall collection of design patterns and systems used for the brand
visual patterns of the dynamis brand

Envisioning a Zeitgeist Brand and creating a unique identity

We went through an in-depth design concept and strategy phase that revolved around core business goals and targets.

By exploring various visual design approaches and iteratively refining them, we sharpened down towards a setup that just feels and looks right for the dynamis brand.
Design of a dynamis branded hoodie
Design of a synamis branded business card
Designs of multiple dynamis branded business cards